autor | správa |
flyman modelár ![]() Príspevkov: 195 Moje modely Poslať správu |
Dobry večer modelari chel by som sa spitatna toto lietadlo Sbach 342 (Orange) tu je na hobbykingu : a dokaže visiet na vrtuôi a podobne. |
maxim modelár ![]() Príspevkov: 333 Moje modely Poslať správu |
Zalieta vsetko to, co dokazu tvoje ruky a dovoli jeho hmotnost. ![]() |
flyingislife team RCPortál ![]() Príspevkov: 1121 Moje modely Poslať správu |
Len za tú elektroniku v tom by som nedal ruku do ohňa(: |
maxim modelár ![]() Príspevkov: 333 Moje modely Poslať správu |
Elektronika bude vyhovorku. |
edf modelár ![]() Príspevkov: 517 Moje modely Poslať správu |
u nas ho jeden ma ,model vyzera slusne ,na vrtuli urcite nezavisí skoda ze sa neda zohnat prazdni model a osadit si ho sam,do setoviek davaju slabí motor aj regulator je na hranici,moznost je objednat si z tade silnejsi motor a regulator,alebo kupit u nas drevenu stavebnicu a z hk si objednat elektriku...... |
jackboy modelár ![]() Príspevkov: 109 Moje modely Poslať správu |
dole je diskusia go to google translator .... Problems with stock motor or ESC..? First flight was nice noe problem, motor ok. Second flight, when full throttle motor make strange noice and slow down.When I gave slowly full throttle motor some times work fine. Is it the motor or the ESC who make trouble? Timing on the ESC? May I have to replace both motor and the ESC? karlsen 18 points And all cables to the motor is connected. Toad1 29 points I had problems with the ESC working randomly too, cutting power from the receiver and such. Changed the esc and it's been working fine since. karlsen 18 points I bought a new NTM 42-48 650KV and an 70A Turnigy ESC. The new NTM 42-38 need some job to fit the motor mount. I contacted HK about the bad motor / ESC, but they only asked me to send it back.... Shipping back to HK is more expencive than new motor and ESC. Triple Seven 1 points Uhmm. looks like MX2 ESC problem. On MXs ESC tag shows TP-E04-0080 and is not programmable. Meaning that you can destroy your lipo pack in one flight in going below 3.2 V per cell. I had issues with Hk on support and finally elected to buy a red brick to replace original ESC. Works like a charm. Original problems are gone: Engines running full thrust then slowing down. Close throttle, reopen engines run for 2 minutes then slows down..Strange engine noises (like dc -dc converters) peaking up...Well you got the point, all you settings are right but you suspects something is not right.If you esc shows same brand as mine only place to mount it is the garbage can. vymenit motor aj esc !Ma s nim problem viac ludi. Zober kit napr... a objednaj z Holandska posta ta bude stat 9dolarov alebo este lepsie toto : Kvoli rukam ako pisu vyssie a aj modelu. |
RomanS modelár ![]() Príspevkov: 46 Moje modely Poslať správu |
![]() Ja mam tento model.Lieta k mojej uplnej spokojnosti.Niesom zastancom 3D akrobacie,tak som take kusky ako visenie na vrtuli a pod. neskusal.Ale myslim ze by s tym nemal problem.Co sa tyka elektroniky,je to stale len "cina" a bohvie kolko vydrzi.Ale je to fakt pekne lietadlo.Kde s nim pridem,tam ho kazdy obzera ![]() |